#surf #surfguru #videos 

Misunderstood addiction - mireia martinez

A tua vida só vira ao redor do surf, que não queres mais nada na vida que não seja surfar e não vai permitir que nada te afaste da tua felicidade, e nesse momento quando compras desesperadamente um bilhete de avião no que só te importas com uma coisa, a p

08/Jun/2017 - Mireia Martinez - Lisboa - Lisboa - Portugal

En este vídeo pretendo mostrar la necesidad, la adicción a un estilo de vida, a un deporte.. una necesidad incomprendida. Una necesidad que te surge por la falta de olas, que te genera ansiedad y estrés, te hace cambiar tu vida y hace que todo gire en torno a eso. No quieres nada mas. Un sentimiento que solo los surfistas lo entendemos en cuanto el resto nos tacha de irresponsables, locos, hippies... no entienden que nuestra vida no se rige por el reloj sino por las mareas, que todo lo que queremos es nuestro tiempo. Un amor incondicional, es difícil de entender que alguien consiga amar tanto la vida, su vida, pues solo queremos en ella aquello que realmente nos hace felices.

In this video I try to show the need, the addiction to a lifestyle, a sport ... a misunderstood addiction. A need that arises from the lack of waves, which generates anxiety and stress, makes you change your life and makes everything revolve around that. You do not want anything else. A feeling that only the surfers understand when the rest regard us as irresponsible, crazy, hippies ... they do not understand that our life is not governed by the clock but by the tides, that all we want is our time. An unconditional love, it is In this video I pretend to show the need, the addiction to a lifestyle, a sport ... a misunderstood need. A need that arises from the lack of waves, which generates anxiety and stress, makes you change your life and makes everything turn around that. You do not want anything else. A feeling that only the surfers understand when the rest denote us irresponsible, crazy, hippies ... do not understand that our life is not governed by the clock but by the tides, that all we want is our time. An unconditional love, it is difficult to understand that someone can love life so much, his life, because we only want in it that which really makes us happy. to understand that someone can love life so much, his life, because we only want in it that which really makes us happy.